王三品的来到北婆罗洲,是在元代的至元廿九年,即公元一二九二年,因元世祖出兵远征各处,曾以北婆罗洲设立为一个行省,并且兼辖苏禄群岛,当时派的总督,官职也可能是“总兵”,名叫Ong Sum-ping,音译为黄升平,或Wang Sum-ping,音译为王三品。如“黄总兵”的古墓确属是他的,而姓是Ong,那么,他姓“黄”无疑。
汶莱首都中心地带有一条路名字就是王三品路(Jalan Ong Sum Ping)
《汶莱王室世系书》中对这位王三品,也有记述:“第一世回教君王穆罕默德(Paduka Sir Sultan Mohamed)之独生女,嫁与中国钦差王三品,且传禅为第二世君主苏丹阿玛德(Sultan Akhmed),生一女,招赘大食宗室名阿里(Sherff Ali)者,受禅为第三君主曰苏丹柏克特(Sultan Berkat)……华人助之造一石城(Kota Batu)焉。”从这段所记中,可以看到王三品先是娶了第一世苏丹的女儿,后来,又把自己的女儿,嫁给第三世苏丹的,所以说:即有苏丹的女儿嫁给他,他也有女儿嫁给苏丹,这两项均为事实,不过,他在北婆罗洲王室中作赘婿,并且做了王,这是华人在婆罗洲的一点特色。
王三品的来到北婆罗洲,是在元代的至元廿九年,即公元一二九二年,因元世祖出兵远征各处,曾以北婆罗洲设立为一个行省,并且兼辖苏禄群岛,当时派的总督,官职也可能是“总兵”,名叫Ong Sum-ping,音译为黄升平,或Wang Sum-ping,音译为王三品。如“黄总兵”的古墓确属是他的,而姓是Ong,那么,他姓“黄”无疑。
北婆罗洲方面,以“中国”来作名称的很多,如最大的河叫“中国河”(kinabatangan River,支那巴干河),最高的山叫“中国寡妇山”(Mount Kina-Balu)。现在称北婆罗洲(North Borneo)谓沙巴(Sabah),它是位於婆罗洲岛的东北部,西面是南中国海,东南是苏禄海(Sulu Sea)和西里伯海(Celebes Sea),西南毗连砂拉越与汶莱,南面与加里曼丹接壤,包括了纳闽岛(Labuan I.)及沿海其他七个小岛,总面积约二九三八八平方哩。
沙巴境内的地势,西部多山,东部多平原,主要的山脉是克洛喀山脉(Crocker Range),起自马鲁都湾(Marendu Bay)南端,离海岸三十哩,沿海岸西南行,高达四千至六十尺;最高的就是中国寡妇山,都喜欢称它谓“神山”,是沙巴的象征,所以沙巴的州镇中也以它为标记。海拔一万三千四百五十五尺,不仅是南洋的第一山峰,亦为远东最秀丽的山岭之一,如登山巅而俯瞰全岛,大有‘登泰山而小天下’之感。
汶莱王室世系书中记云:‘先是中国皇帝遣二官吏名曰王刚(Wang Kong之译音)及王三品(Wang Sum Ping之译音)至,以取中国寡妇山之龙珠,华人为龙吞者甚众,龙盖欲护其宝珠也,该山似是得名。嗣王三品思得一法以欺龙,彼以烛置玻璃盒中,乘龙不备以易其珠,而龙犹以为明珠无恙也。宝珠既得,即群起扬帆返国。离山不远,王刚欲索其珠,乃相勃豁,王刚强夺之,王三品大怒,遂不返国,转掉回汶莱,后娶苏丹穆罕默德之女,受禅,是为苏丹阿玛德。’
因为,当时的沙巴土地,本来是属於汶莱所统辖,所以“汶莱王室世系书”中对这位王三品,也有记述:“第一世回教君王穆罕默德(Paduka Sir Sultan Mohamed)之独生女,嫁与中国钦差王三品,且传禅为第二世君主苏丹阿玛德(Sultan Akhmed),生一女,招赘大食宗室名阿里(Sherff Ali)者,受禅为第三君主曰苏丹柏克特(Sultan Berkat)……华人助之造一石城(Kota Batu)焉。”从这段所记中,可以看到王三品先是娶了第一世苏丹的女儿,后来,又把自己的女儿,嫁给第三世苏丹的,所以说:即有苏丹的女儿嫁给他,他也有女儿嫁给苏丹,这两项均为事实,不过,他在北婆罗洲王室中作赘婿,并且做了王,这是华人在婆罗洲的一点特色。
王三品的来到北婆罗洲,是在元代的至元廿九年,即公元一二九二年,因元世祖出兵远征各处,曾以北婆罗洲设立为一个行省,并且兼辖苏禄群岛,当时派的总督,官职也可能是“总兵”,名叫Ong Sum-ping,音译为黄升平,或Wang Sum-ping,音译为王三品。如“黄总兵”的古墓确属是他的,而姓是Ong,那么,他姓“黄”无疑。
而苏禄国对王三品或黄升平也有记述,据“苏禄王室家谱”中所载:“黄升平初至汶莱,率中国人甚多,盖受元帝命求山顶神龙之宝,此山后名支那巴鲁山,龙猛甚,食人无数。黄升平乃设计以烛易宝石,归途中同伴王刚,争夺宝石,黄升平乃回汶莱。黄有女嫁汶莱苏丹阿克曼德(Akhmed),时在一三七五年。凡二十余传,以迄於今。其王系由女系递嬗,阿克曼德之公主,嫁夏律阿丽(Arab Sherip),后继王位,即今汶莱王家之始祖也。”
Ong Sum Ping was said to have been a Chinese Minister sent by the Emperor of China to acquire a giant jewel that belonged to the dragon of Mount Kinabalu.
The Golden Legacy: Ong Sum Ping
Monday, December 27, 2010
IN A previous column, this writer wrote about the legend of Ong Sum Ping. Ong Sum Ping was said to be a Chinese Minister sent by the Emperor of China to steal a giant jewel belonging to the dragon of Mount Kinabalu. However Ong Sum Ping was ordered by his senior colleague to surrender the jewel to Ong Bong Kong. Fearing for the lives of his men, Ong Sum Ping set sail to return to Borneo and ended up in Brunei with all his men.
In the Silsilah Brunei - Royal Genealogy of Brunei Kings - Ong Sum Ping was mentioned there because Ong Sum Ping, according to Manuscript B of the Silsilah Brunei became the second Sultan of Brunei.
According to the Silsilah Manuscript B, "adapun pada zaman itu, Awang Khalak Betatar menjadi Sultan, namanya Sultan Muhammad. Maka sultan itu beranak seorang perempuan, terlalu elok rupanya puteri itu. Kemudian tiada berapa lamanya, maka meminanglah Ong Sum Peng akan tuan puteri itu. Maka diterimalah oleh Sultan Muhammad akan pinangan Ong Sum Peng ini, lalulah dikahwinkannya sebagaimana mengikut istiadat raja yang kerajaan."
"Maka dengan tiada berapa kelamaanya, beranaklah isteri Ong Sum Ping itu seorang perempuan, terlalu baik rupanya. Kemudian, telah dilihat oleh Sultan Muhammad akan menantunya itu baik bicharanya, maka diberikannyalah kerajaan itu kepada menantunya Ong Sum Peng, lalu digelarnya, dinamai Sultan Ahmad; ialah sultan yang kedua di dalam negeri Berunai"
There are, however, other versions of the Silsilah. For those who are unaware of the Royal Genealogy, the Silsilah Brunei has been discovered not in one version but several versions. Over the years, copyists have added or deleted parts which they felt were unsuitable for reasons which we will never know. Scholars have confirmed that out of these versions, there are two major manuscripts called Manuscript A and Manuscript B.
In the Silsilah Manuscript A, which is the version used officially, the Silsilah contains a rather terse or probably more factual account of Ong Sum Ping which fails to mention the legend of him obtaining the so-called golden jewel from the dragon of the Mount of Kinabalu and is as follows: "Sultan Muhammad dan saudaranya Sultan Ahmad, maka beranak seorang perempuan dengan isterinya saudara raja China yang diambil daripada China Batangan. Maka puteri inilah diambil oleh Sharif Ali yang turun dari negeri Ta'if ".
In Manuscript A, even the name of Ong Sum Ping was not mentioned but merely that his sister or a sister of a Chinese Prince living in Kinabatangan (now Sabah), was taken as the wife of Sultan Ahmad who subsequently gave birth to a daughter. This princess married Sharif Ali and Sharif Ali became Sultan Sharif Ali, the third Sultan of Brunei.
Who was Ong Sum Ping then? Did he really exist?
According to the Bisayas, they have a legend about a family in Sabah. There were seven children comprised of six boys and one girl. The six boys were known as Peti Barambai or Pati Barabai, si Garamba, Peti Garamba, Peti Runa or Pati Begunak, Smaun or Si Maun and Alak Batata or Urak Betatar or Lok Batata or Awang Alah Bertabar and a girl Siti Duyah or Duri or Bunga Sunting.
It was said that the brothers wanted to determine who will become the Raja of Brunei. Alak Betatar won and was said to become Sultan Muhammad. Peti Barambai, the eldest brother, became the Raja of Java. Si Garamba settled in the Limbang area and became the ancestor of the Bisayas. Peti Garamba settled in Tutong, Peti Runa in the Kinabatangan River Sabah and Smaun in the Birau River. Siti Duyah married a Chinese named Awang Sunting (or Ong Sum Ping) and settled near Mount Kinabalu.
According to the Idahan people of Sabah, who own the bird-nesting rights in many caves on Sabah's eastern coast, claim that they first traded the birds' nests to a powerful Chinese group further north across the Sulu Sea. Ong Sum Ping was said to be a great Chinese voyager on the west coast of Sabah.
Ong was said to be a Chinese Moslem, and he may well have had to do with the expansion of Islam in Borneo, particularly in Brunei and in the Kinabatangan area.
According to these various tales, Ong Sum Ping was either a Chinese Minister, Chinese Prince or Chinese leader who developed a Chinese community in the Kinabatangan area.
The name Kinabatangan could have been derived during their stay there as almost all names beginning with 'Kina' means 'China' such as Kinabalu and "Kinarut Kinabatangan" could mean Chinese River according to the Kadazans.
This Chinese community could have been a Chinese Military outpost and looked after the interest of Chinese traders trading in the area. Borneo was famous for a number of things in those days, among them was camphor, bees wax, sago and the likes. Outposts like these are possibly quite common too.
One such outpost was discovered in Sungai Limau Manis near Bandar Seri Begawan and dated to be at least a thousand year old.
By marrying the daughter of Sultan Ahmad, Ong Sum Ping developed a strong relationship with Brunei. Some accounts stated that he was appointed as Pengiran Maharaja Lela and made Chief of the Kinabatangan area. He could have been appointed as the regent of the area and represented the Brunei Sultanate as well and collected tithes and taxes for the Sultan of Brunei.
According to Wikipedia, Ong Sum Ping was really Huang Senping but he was better known by his Hokkien name Ong Sum Ping. That Hokkien name would then suggest that Ong Sum Ping came from Fujian, China. According to the official history of the Ming written by Wen Xiongfei, Ong Sum Ping came during the early years of the Ming Dynasty. He married Princess Ratna Dewi and became Pengiran Maharaja Lela and chief of Chinabatangan.
According to chapter 211 of the official History of Ming, "during the reign of Ming emperor Wanli 1573-1620, the King of Brunei was a Hokkien. Some said a Hokkien followed Admiral Zheng He to Brunei and stayed behind. His descendants later became the rulers of the country ..."
It is possible then that Ong Sum Ping and his descendants continued to rule the fiefdom of Kinabatangan up until the reign of Ming emperor Wanli 1573-1620.
It was said that according to an early 20th century Chinese trader Huang Zhuoru, he claimed to have discovered the tomb of Huang Senping located on a hill 1 li (about half a kilometre) from the Brunei capital. He said that there were Chinese inscriptions on the tombstone which meant "Tomb of Commander Huang" However, the present whereabouts of this tomb is unknown.
We will never know who Ong Sum Ping was but his name has lived on in Brunei as Jalan Ong Sum Ping, now the home of luxurious apartments currently being renovated and upgraded by the government and which was once used as the 20th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games athletes' village in 1999.
The Brunei Times
The greater part of the official historical record for early Brunei until the arrival of Pigafetta is based on legends and assumptions. The historical account – lacking any real evidence – has been constructed in such a way that around 1370, Zhu Yuan Zhuang sent representatives to Brunei via Indonesia, and Brunei paid tribute to the Ming Chinese. This signified the strong influence of the Ming Dynasty, and accounts for the combination of Ong Sum Ping's influence in Brunei. In these 30 years, the two main powers combined quickly. The Chinese expanded their influence from the East of the Kinabatangan River to Northern Borneo. They built Chinese towns and villages, among which was present-day Kota Kinabalu.
In 1402, after the death of Sultan Muhammad Shah, his son Abdul Majid Hasan ascended the throne. Ong Sum Ping and Pengiran Temenggong became regents. Bruneian history has seldom treated Hasan as the second Sultan. In 1406, after the death of Sultan Majid Hasan, there existed a two-year power vacuum. In these two years, Bruneian nobles started a power struggle; in the end, Sultan Ahmad won out, and Pengiran Temenggong failed. Ahmad became the second Sultan in Bruneian History. Ong Sum Ping consolidated his power again. He didn't forget China after the immigration to Brunei, but continued to perpetuate Chinese cultural identity under the new Ming Dynasty. Thus, he sent a representative with his armies to China. He landed on the coastal region of Fujian; emperor Yong Le was pleased and asked for the official to organize a welcome party for Ong Sum Ping. In this trip, they saw the changes in China.
At his advanced age, Ong Sum Ping could not make the long journey back to Brunei, so he missed the happiness of returning to his homeland, and he died in Nanjing. Before his death, he asked Emperor Yong Le that (1) Brunei and Sungai Kinabatangan be made (or annexed as) Chinese territories, (2) named Gunung Kinabalu, and (3) that he himself be buried in China. Emperor Yong Le agreed and titled Ong's son Awang as the new ruler, and named the mountain of Brunei as Chang Ning Mountainجبل السلام – mean Jabel Alsalam ("mountain of peace") in Arabic.
A stone tortoise with a stele in memory of Ma-na-jih-chia-na in Nanjing 根据维基的记录说明,王三品当年是在带庞大的汶莱皇家队伍去中国访问,最后去世在中国的,上面的相片就是他的墓葬石龟。王三品在他於中国去世之前,要求永历皇帝答应他的三个请求:1,正式把汶莱和中国河(Sungai Kinabatangan 沙巴最长的,在山打根附近入海)归入中国的版图; 2,正式命名沙巴最高的山为Gunong Kinabalu; 3, 在他死后要安葬在中国。明朝永历皇帝同意了他的上述请求,并且敕封他的孩子Awang为汶莱新国王。1408年明永历皇帝派兵护送他的孩子Awang(阿王,或许阿黄)回去汶莱登上王位。
In 1408, Awang came back to Brunei under the protection of Imperial eunuchs and officials. Awang succeeded to the influence of Ong Sum Ping in Brunei, and continued to exercise political power. The Chinese still called them Chung Ping – General. In 1412, he paid tribute to Emperor Yong Le. The wife of Ong Sum Ping was also buried in Brunei at a location which the local Malays called Bukit Cina. The sister of Ong Sum Ping and Sultan Ahmad gave birth to a daughter, who married Sultan Sharif Aliسلطان شريف علي(so he was Sayyidina-سيدنا); the man came from Arabian Peninsulaالشبة الجزيرة العربية, and was the descendant of Nabi Muhammad SAWالنبي محمد.
Even today, because of their influence, Bruneians still believe that Ong Sum Ping was the ancestor of the Brunei royalty. Even though the Bruneian royal family stressed more the theories of Malay Islam Berajaملاي إسلام براج, but they didn't disagree with it; obviously they gave him positive criticism, and recorded Ong Sum Ping under the genealogy of the Sultans of Brunei. In the capital of Brunei—Bandar Seri Begawanبندر سري بغاوان, there was a Jalan Ong Sum Ping (Arabic: سارع ونغ سوم بينغ), and the Muzium Brunei also contained artifacts of Ong Sum Ping. The tomb of Ong Sum Ping's son is also protected by the Bruneian government.
To prove the existence of Ong Sum Ping, the Silsilah Raja-raja Sulu could provide the best evidence. According to the record of the Silsilah Raja-raja Sulu, when Ong Sum Ping first arrived at Brunei with many Chinese, he said that he was ordered to collect jewelry in Sabah, and the mountain was named Gunung Kinabalu. The legend said that some attractive animal might appear in the forest, and they ate some people. Ong Sum Ping brought the candle with his colleague, and got the jewelry at last. Ong Sum Ping got a daughter, who married Sultan Ahmad in 1375 (during the Ming Dynasty in China). The kingship was handed down 20 times until now; the daughter of Sultan Ahmad married with Sultan Sharif Ali, and came to the throne. He was the ancestor of today's Sultan Haji Hassanal.
According to this record, Ong Sum Ping didn't become Sultan, but his daughter was married to the Sultan, and he became the Sultan's father-in-law. Bruneian royal houses adopted the maternal succession system; it is known for certain that his maternal granddaughter became the Queen of Sultan Sharif Ali. However, it is believed that the year might be in 1375, not in the Yuan Dynasty, but in the 8th year of Emperor Hong Wu.