「Macha, you want to makan here or you want to tarpow?」(兄弟,你要在這裡用餐還是打包帶走?)
文/Joe Najib(17/02/2015)
The Malaysian Chinese.
Do I really care if we Malays (supposedly) set foot on this part of the world first before they did? No I don’t. It means little to me. Do I mind seeing roasted pigs with the ‘X’ maneuvers hanging freely at the neighbourhood kopitiam? Not at all. Do I get irritated when my Chinese neighbours go through nights of chants and incense-burning during their funeral proceedings? Definitely not. Do I face a dilemma when friends expect me to raise my tea glass to yamseng three times to bless the newlyweds on stage? Nope. As a Muslim, do I mind “loh hey”-ing with my friends and colleagues over a yee sang lunch, as it is neither in my religion nor my culture to make wishes over the tossing of food? No, I don’t mind at all.
In fact, the things I mentioned above, are occasions so routine to me to the point they’re ingrained. If I were to go through months without any of them happening, I’d probably go “oh shit, where the hell am I?”
Bear in mind the Chinese, along with the Indians, played a pivotal role in establishing Melaka as the trading hub for silk and spice more than 500 years ago, setting our country’s economic foundation, and putting us on the world map. Also acknowledge the fact that our country’s capital, Kuala Lumpur, was realised by a Guangdong-born Chinese immigrant.
Oh, they also brought with them some delicious Char Koay Teow.
I come from a family where, my late grandfather, before carrying out his enforcement duties on May 13th 1969, put utmost importance on his Chinese neighbours first, by inviting them to seek refuge in his home.
Do I think our beloved Malaysia can retain her identity without Chinese influence? No way. The country that I know and love, thrives on cultural diversity. Malaysia is indeed the epicenter and melting pot for the world’s greatest civilizations. No Chinese, no Indians here? I might as well open up a map, close my eyes, and migrate to wherever my finger lands on. But no, never. This is my home. And I’m bloody proud of it.
“Macha, you want to makan here or you want to tarpow?”
Where else can you string a sentence together using four different languages?
Social Media has played a damaging role in racial-profiling. Not because of its open-ended nature, but sadly, because some of us are stupid enough to get sucked into it. Vernacular schools being the root cause of racial segmentation? Come on. It was a system demanded by Malaysians from a generation that had less racial issues than we do today. In fact, I would send my child to a SRJK(C), because back then I was soOoOOoo fascinated by my Malay and Indian friends who spoke fluent Mandarin, and were better at maths than I was. At least if someone was to accuse him/her of trying to convert his/her friends into Islam at school, I’d go “eh hello, he’s the minority there leh what tokking you!” tongue emoticon
…and oookay, so everyone was better at maths than me. So what tongue emoticon
So kawan-kawan, takkan masuk Neraka la kalau wish “Gong Xi Fa Cai” (Kong Hei Fatt Choy if you prefer Cantonese) to our Chinese buddies. Entah-entah, if you add on “Hong Bao Na Lai” after it, free-free dapat duit lagi.
Have a blessed and prosperous Chinese New Year everyone!